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Submit apprenticeship job offers

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Post, modify, or delete your apprenticeship job offers to maximize their visibility by posting them on the La bonne alternance platform and its partner sites (view the list).

💡 Using the API allows you to post all your offers at once, but it is also possible to post a single offer directly on the La bonne alternance site (access the submission form)

Illustration d'un cadenas

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Illustration d'une designeuse qui présente un projet sur un écran

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This element includes:
  • the partner responsible for the job offer
  • the unique identifier of the job offer within the "La bonne alternance" information system



Un contrat est décrit par :
  • Le type (apprentissage et/ou professionnalisation).
  • La date de début.
  • La durée.
  • Le mode de travail (présentiel, télétravail ou hybride).



A job offer is described by:
  • The title. Example: Web Developer.
  • The description. Example: Designs, develops, and implements a software application project, from the study phase to its integration, for a client or company, according to functional needs and specifications. May lead development projects. May coordinate a team.
  • The targeted diploma level. Example: BP, Bac, other level (Bac) qualifications.
  • The skills or qualities expected for the position. Example: Demonstrate autonomy; Show creativity and inventiveness; Display rigor and precision; Work well in a team.
  • The skills or qualities to be acquired during the apprenticeship. Example: Research, Innovation (Analyze relevant indicators on trends and customer usage; Design and develop a digital solution; Create technical documentation). New technologies (Assemble software components; Design a web application).
  • The conditions for entering the profession. Example: This profession is accessible with a degree from Bac+2 (BTS, DUT) to Master (MIAGE, engineering degree, professional Master, etc.) in computer science. It is also accessible with professional experience in computer science, operating systems, or an application domain. Proficiency in English (technical vocabulary) is required.
  • The work mode (on-site, remote, or hybrid).

Illustration du profil d'une personne


The ROME corresponds to the Operational Reference for Jobs and Occupations. Designed by France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi), this reference system presents all professions grouped into profiles, organized by professional fields.


A job opportunity has a life cycle: a creation date and an expiration date.



This element includes:
  • The name (brand name or, failing that, the company name) and the SIRET number of the company.
  • The description of the employer and/or the department where the contract will be carried out.
  • The company's workforce range, in terms of the number of employees.
  • The company's website.


Postal address and geolocation linked to the company's SIRET number



Elements for submitting an application:
  • Redirect URL
  • Phone number
  • Company email

Illustration du profil d'une personne


At least one application method must be provided when submitting an offer. (either URL, phone, or email)
Illustration d'une designeuse qui présente un projet sur un écran

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